Neil Hirschenbein, M.D.

Dr. Neil Hirschenbein has been in the East County for 18 years. He is board certified in internal medicine , and gastroenterlogy. He also has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Boston University. Dr. Hirschenbein attended medical school at the University of Illinois, Chicago, and completed his residency and fellowship at UCSD. He is committed to the high quality care of his patients and professional and personal growth through on-going education to more fully serve his patients and their families in the ever-changing health care environment of San Diego County.

Dr. Hirschenbein's most recent certification came from UCSD for his participation in Health Care leadership. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the California Medical Association, and the San Diego County Medical 8ociety. He is also a member of the San Diego GI Society, American College of Physicians, American College of Physician Executives, American College of Managed Care Medicine, American Society of Bariatric Physicians, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and the El Cajon, La Mesa and Santee Chambers of Commerce. He was named a Steering Committee Physician for Shared Performance Groups, California Medical Advantage. He resides with his wife Mary Anne in Blossom Valley. They have five children.

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