What does the word homeopathy mean?

The word homeopathy comes from two Greek words: homeo, which means similar or the same, and pathy, which comes from pathos and means disease, suffering or illness.

  What is homeopathy?

Homeopathic medicine is based on the principle that like cures like. Ipecac, for example, is a common subtance kept in the house to induce vomiting should a child ingest a toxic or poisonus substance. Suppose someone was ill with the stomach flu and was vomiting. Since like cures like, a small, homeopathic dose of Ipecac may stop the vomiting.

Homeopathic doses of Ipecac have actually been used to stop vomiting for people suffering the effects of chemo therapy after conventional options were tried and had failed.

What are the advantages of homeopathy?

Homeopathy uses very small doses of homeopathy medicines to help stimulate the body to overcome the symptoms of an illness. The process is similar to immunization. An immunization with a small amount of inactive influenza virus will stimulate the body to help fend off an actual case of influenza. Because the doses are extremely small, there is no chance of toxicity from the treatment.

Is homeopathy safe?

Homeopathy is extremely safe.

Are there any side effects fo look out for?

On rare occasions homeopathic medicines will cause an intensification of an existing symptom or the appearance of a new symptom. If this happens, it means that the remedy is working and no additional homeopathic medicine needs to be taken at that time.

What is the history of homeopathy?

The principles of homeopathic medicine were discovered in the later part of the 18th Century by Samuel Hahnemann, M.D., a German physician. Homeopathy flourished in the United States during the early 20th Century.

Is There research on homeopathy?

There are hundreds of published articles on homeopathy on MEDLINE, the repository for research publications maintained by the National library of Medicine. There are numerous studies showing homeopathy to be effective in the treatment of many different diseases. To quote from one of these articles, "Homeopathy is widely used around the world and is regaining popularity in the United States, where it enjoyed popular and therapeutic success in the 1800s. Relying on systematic principles of health and disease first set forth by Samuel Hahnemann in 1810, it offers a powerful and inexpensive means of promoting self-care and of augmenting therapeutic options for the family physician." (Frye) 1977.

How do I take the homeopathic medicine?

The homeopathic tablets are designed to dissolve rapidly. The most effective way to take the medicine is to let the tablets dissolve under your tongue. The usual dose is 5 tablets dissolved under the tongue, with nothing else in your mouth for 15 - 20 minutes before and after the homeopathic medicine. Coffee (not caffeine) and mint will weaken the effect of the homeopathic remedies. Because the coffee bean itself is contrary to the homeopathic remedy, decaffeinated coffee will also weaken the remedy. Drinking tea with caffeine is acceptable. Camphor in any form will inactivate homeopathic medicine, as will most dental work.

Do I need a physician to prescribe homeopathic medicine?

Many people self medicate with homepathic medicines, usually using a single low potency remedy or a combination of several low potency remedies. This type of treatment is best suited for acute illnesses. With chronic or more serious illness, homeopathic physicians trained in "Constitutional Homeopathy" will attempt to find the single, unique homeopathic remedy that best matches all the characteristics of the patient, including the illness that is to be treated. When this single specific remedy is found, a high potency homeopathic remedy can then be safely administered. The administration of a well chosen high potency "Constitutional Remedy" will often result in the improvement of the illness being treated and, in addition, the establishment of a remarkable state of well-being which seems to be unique to homeopathy.

How are homeopathic remedies made?

The homeopathic remedies are made with pharmaceutical-grade ingredients in compliance with FDA standards.

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