Both Men and Women can benefit from this important health alternative. To review the benefits for men or women make you selection below.
For Women
For Men

For Women

As We Age:

Women of the baby boom generation were at the forefront of their times. Many were first-time users of birth control pills. Now these same women are facing hormonal changes including PMS, premenopause and menopause. They are looking for the latest in medical treatments that can give them control and responsibility for their health.


Menopausal changes for women can include irregular menstruation, hot flashes, disturbed sleep, poor concentration, dereased libido, thinning skin, osteoporosis, heart disease and many other symptoms. The medical solution has been replacing estrogen through hormone replacement therapy (HRT). But not all replacement therapy is the same. Despite the clinical and marketing success of synthetic estrogen, there has been an undercurrent of doubt about its safety summed up in one word: cancer.

The Role of Hormones in Health Maintenance:

Natural estrogen and natural progester-one provide all the benefits of the synthetic forms and more -- with far fewer side effects -- while decreasing the risk of uterine and breast cancer and other unwanted risks associated with synthetic hormones. These advantages include prevention of osteoporosis and restoration of bone strength; reduced hot flashes; reduced vaginal dryness and thinning; better maintenance of muscle mass and strength; protection against heart disease and stroke; improved cholesterol levels; and reduced risk of endometrial and breast cancer. Other benefits include reduced risk of depression; improved sleep, elevated mood, increased concentration and memory; prevention of senility and Alzheimer's disease; improved libido and sex drive; and fewer side effects.

Natural Estrogen:

The body makes three estrogens; estradiol, estriol, and estrone. Estradiol has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and protect bone mineral density. Estriol does not appear to increase the incidence of breast cancer and may actually be protective. After a history and physical examination plus laboratory tests to determine hormone levels, an individual prescription can be written to meet your precise needs.

Natural Progesterone:

Natural progesterone has many benefits and should be considered for use, even by women who have had hysterectoies. Benefits include protection against endometrial cancer and breast cancer. In addition, natural progesterone promotes bone building and therefore protects against oseoporosis. It normalizes blood clotting and may help maintain sex drive.

Natural Testosterone and DHEA:

Testosterone and DHEA levels decline with age in both men and women. Natural testosterone can help protect the heart, improve mental alertness, make bones stronger and revive a lagging sex life. DHEA protects against cancer, protects against heart disease by lowering cholesterol and preventing blood clots, strengthens the immune system, prevents bone density loss and may reduce body fat.

Other Hormones:

Other hormones can be evaluated and balanced to create a comprehensive hormone program. These hormones include cortisol, melatonin, pregnelolone, thyroid and growth hormone.


After determining your need for a specific combination of natural hormones, a licensed, compounding pharmacy will make your individual prescription. Depending upon your specific needs and desires, the prescription can come in many forms. This includes pills, sublingual (dissolved under the tongue), troches (dissolved in your check and available in many flavors), creams, gels, and vaginal preparations.


As you age your body is constantly regenerating bone. The process includes osteoblast, making bone, and osteoclast, destroying bone. Unfortunately, after age 35, most women destroy more bone than they make. Pyrilinks-D is a laboratory test to measure bone loss and can help determine your need for intervention to prevent osteoporosis. The lab test can also measure the effectiveness of therapy The Pyrilinks-D test can be combined with a DEXA-scan to give precise information about osteopor-osis.
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For Men

As We Age:

Men of the baby boom generation are looking for the latest in medical treatents that can give them control and responsibility for their health. For many men, the most disturbing sign of aging is the slow decline in sexual desire and ability. Frequently, this is not recognized as a sign of "male menopause," but just another "normal" milepost on the road from cradle to grave. Men tend to minimize, ignore or deny these changes, but worst of all, they accept them. Not only are men reluctant to talk about these problems, but frequently so are our doctors. The effects can be devastating, both physically and psychologically. For many men, they undermine the foundation of what it means to be a man; strength, energy, vitality, physical health, mental acuity, ambition, drive, determination and sexuality.

Male Menopause:

Although men have no clear landmark comparable to cessation of menstruation, they also go through an age related process of hormonal change that can profoundly affect their health and happiness. The list of menopausal symptoms in men is very similar to those of women. They include reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory problems, disturbed sleep, depression, heart disease and atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, prostate enlargement and cancer, muscle weakness, fatigue, irritability, thinning skin, slow wound healing, poor concentration and memory lapses. Female menopause results from a relatively abrupt decline in female hormones, while the symptoms of male menopause are caused by a more gradual decline in testosterone.

Nature Testosterone:

For restoring sexuality and the diverse aspects of men's health known to decline with age, natural testosterone is more effective and safer in the human body than synthetic hormones. Natural testosterone needs to be used in physiologic doses (doses that produce levels in our body within the range naturally present in young adulthood) and on a schedule that closely follows nature's own timing.


DHEA replacement has also been shown to have beneficial testosterone like effects such as increased energy, feeling of well-being, improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, reduced death from coronary disease, decreased obesity, slowed progression of atherosclerosis, enhanced libido and erectile ability, reduced depression and increased cognition.

Other Hormones:

Other hormones can be evaluated and balanced to create a comprehensive hormone balance. These hormones include cortisol, melatonin, pregnanolone, thyroid and growth hormone. Also, specific vitamins, rninerals, arnino acids, herbal and botanical products can be added for specific problems.


After a history and physical examination, plus laboratory tests to determine hormone levels and other risk factors, an individual prescription can be written to meet your precise needs.


After determining your need for a specific combination of natural hormones, a licensed compounding pharmacy will make your individual prescription. These can include sublingual (dissolved under your tongue), creams and gel preparations.

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